My German Shepherd, Nitro, did not have papers designating him as a pure bred dog, but I was happy to find out that SDKC accepts all dogs in their classes and the dogs can compete in performance events as well. I started at SDKC in 2017 taking classes in obedience, agility, rally and sport detection and I found the knowledge and positive atmosphere shared among volunteers created a beneficial learning atmosphere. Personally, I am proud of the work Nitro does in pet therapy with Magical Paws, his appearance in a television series, and in addition to titles in earned in obedience and trick, he achieved a perfect score in Advance Scent Detection. I have started assisting in Sport Scent Detection Classes in 2020. Volunteering at the club has enabled me to meet new teams and watch them grow and improve their skills, as well as growing my own knowledge, skills and education.