Application for Membership
Apply for membership today using our online forms. You will be required to provide the name of one current member who will sponsor your membership. Please note that your application will not be considered valid until payment has been received.
To renew your membership with the Sudbury and District Kennel Club, complete the appropriate online membership form, indicated below and proceed to your choice of payment.
We accept payment by cheque or e-transfer.
Please ensure that the account from which you send an e-transfer matches the name and email on your application form and etransfer is preferred to Security question "What does SDKC stand for?"
Make cheque payable to Sudbury & District Kennel Club, please mail to:
SDKC, Attn: Membership
Box 2799, Station A
Sudbury, ON
P3A 5J3
The Club members look forward to your enrolment in the Sudbury & District Kennel Club Inc.
Become A Member!
Applications & Renewals
The Sudbury and District Kennel Club is dedicated to the promotion of purebred dogs and all aspects of their activities which are recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club and further information can be found at the CKC website:
Additionally, mixed breeds are welcome to participate in the Obedience and Hunting Dog Section. So regardless of the type of dog you have, you and your dog’s experience, you are all welcome to come out and see if any of the thrilling activities are something you and your dog enjoy doing.
We encourage our members to pursue the challenges that fair play and healthy participation offer.
Our workshops and facilities are available to all members.
All our sections offer their expertise and knowledge to anyone who is willing to listen and apply what they've been taught and in return, lend a helping hand if required.
Benefits of Membership
Train your dog with some of the most competent trainers & handlers in Canada.
Keep up to date with the latest training techniques.
Access to private land for training purposes.
Meet people of different walks of life with the same interests.
Learn about pet health and common problems and simple cures for your pet.
Share your experiences with others who actually listen!
Learn the capabilities of your dog (you would be pleasantly surprised!)
Train towards trials and conformation opportunities depending on the type of breed.
Membership Criteria
Our yearly memberships run from January 1 to December 31 of every calendar year. Adult membership is open to all persons eighteen years of age and older who are in good standing with The Canadian Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purposes and constitution of the Sudbury & District Kennel Club.
There are 4 types of memberships:
Regular Member - Single ($26)
Regular Member - Joint ($31)
Regular Life Member - (No fee - per eligibility)
Junior Members - (Under 18 & no fee)
A Note about Junior Members
It is not necessary to own a dog.
A parent/guardian is not required to hold a Club membership.
Juniors hold no voting privileges.
Payment of Fees
Membership dues shall be paid by January 1st of each calendar year.
Membership renewals must be submitted to the Membership Director no later than February 28 of each year.
Membership renewals received after February 28 shall be considered lapsed.
Lapsed memberships are required to follow all rules of new members.
All members must complete a membership renewal form each year.
Life members must submit a membership renewal form every year to provide current contact information.
membership paid by etransfer is preferred to and sent from same email and name on membership application